♫ Learn from my mistakes
Learn from this mistake
Learn from our mistake
Learn from their mistakes
Learn from my mistake…♫
Lyrics and Music by: Phil Anselmo, Pepper Keenan and Rex Brown, recorded by Down.
This is another “Leadership Moments” guest post by Beth Flynn of the Ohio Leadership Center.
Celebrate the lesson: When faced with a failure by someone in your company, as a leader you must stand up and praise the individual’s intention, risk-taking approach, or whatever. Find something positive to acknowledge and celebrate.
Fuel the fire in your people. The truth is, the people who fail are the very same people who succeed. Be compassionate and give them the enthusiasm, energy, and fire to keep going.
Go public. Next time you experience a failure or make a mistake of consequence, call a meeting and announce it to your team. When you announce your mistake, also say what you learned and what you did to correct your failure (to the extent possible) or how to prevent it from happening again (Heath, p. 21-22).
From: Heath, R. (2009). Celebrating failure: the power of taking risks, making mistakes and thinking big. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press.
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Thanks Beth for another great leadership post on how we can change our response to failure and motivate the risk takers to keep swinging!
2 Responses to “Change Your Response to Failure”
October 27th, 2011 at 3:15 pm
Thank God someone else recognizes Down.
November 23rd, 2011 at 2:27 pm
Mistakes are good for you. They tell you what to do and not do as you continue the pursuit of your goal. Mistakes are the best teachers you’re ever going to have in life, so don’t be afraid of failure.