♬ Love Is In The Air
Love is in the air everywhere I look around
Love is in the air every sight and every sound …♬
Music and Lyrics by Harry Vanda, George Young , recorded by Tom Jones.
This is a guest post by my friend Sherry Katz, a recovering lawyer and now computer forensics consultant. I loved reading Sherry’s articles on technology when she was a lawyer/technologist and now I love her articles as a forensics consultant. Her advice on the new MacBook Air is posted here with her consent:
I have use of several laptops as I use them in my work (forensic analysis, ediscovery). Among them are an 11″ Macbook Air, a 13″ Macbook Air, and a 17″ Macbook Pro. I also regularly use a couple of Dell laptops and a few HP laptops.
The current generation of the Macbook Air is amazing. I work with technology every day, and the new Macbook Air is the best and most fun to use laptop I’ve ever had experience with. The lack of a network adapter is not a problem. I got a device for $15 that adds a network port and three USB ports through the USB. The use of screen real estate is ingenious, and the 11″ is as efficient and viewable as a 13″ PC.
Performance is stunning. Even with the i5 processer and only 4 MB of RAM, boot time is less than 10 seconds, and everything happens instantly. Programs open in a snap. The touchpad is great; the only usable touchpad I’ve found. (more…)
♬ You went to school to learn, girl
Things you never, never knew before…
Easy as…
Or simple as…
Do re mi ♬
Lyrics and Music by: The Corporation, recorded by The Jackson 5.
This is a guest post by Bob Denney of Robert Denney Associates Inc. Bob and I will be on the same panel on the “State of the Legal Market” for 2nd and 3rd law students on Sept 13, 2011 at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, PA., sponsored by Keeley P. Mitchell, Esq., Director of Public Interest and Government Relations at the Career Services Office.
Accordingly, it seemed an appropriate time to post Bob’s latest advice on the ABCs of Marketing and Business Development:
Most lawyers make marketing and business development more complicated than needed. Developing new business – and keeping clients delighted – isn’t rocket science. In fact, it’s as simple as ABC.
Ask good questions. When you first meet a potential client, begin by asking open-ended questions such as: “Tell me about yourself and your business (or practice)” “What do you want to accomplish with this project (or matter or case)?” “What are your expectations?”
Be a problem solver, not a problem maker.
Communicate. Tell prospective clients how you would approach their matter – and what it will likely cost. Keep existing clients informed. “Shower them with paper” is still a good rule.
Delegate. Assign as much of the work as you can to junior lawyers, paralegals or support staff to reduce the cost of your services. Explain to the client why you are doing this and that you will be reviewing everything and will be responsible, no matter who does the work.
Educate clients and prospects on how you can help them. People don’t want to be sold legal services. They want information and answers.
Focus your practice in certain areas or industries or on certain types of clients. Don’t try to be all things to all people.
Get out of the office. Visit clients, referral sources and prospective clients. If they’re based too far away to visit, don’t send an e mail. Call them. (more…)
♬ My outlook on life is positive! ♬
Lyrics and Music by: Ray Cappo and John Porcelly, recorded by Youth of Today.
“I believe that Outlook for the Mac may be the most important app that Microsoft has ever created for the Mac environment.” – Gerry Purdy, MobileTrax
This is a guest post written by Gerry Purdy, PHD. I have been following Gerry’s posts on the state of wireless for some time now and always find them to be interesting and insightful. This particular post is published here with his permission.
“Over the past six months, Microsoft has (rather quietly) finally introduced their very popular Outlook email management system on the Mac platform. It allows Mac users to enjoy the same benefits as Windows users. However, there are a number of things that are important to enterprise IT, Apple and users beyond the obvious financial benefits to Microsoft.
If you owned a Windows PC and wanted to migrate to a Mac, the process could be very difficult or, if you were using Outlook, impossible. The reason has to do with Outlook’s internal file structure which uses ‘OST’ and ‘PST’ files.
Before Outlook became available on the Mac, there was no way to copy the files over to the Mac and use them with either Mac email or Entourage. Now, with the implementation of Outlook on the Mac, anyone can copy their Outlook email files from their Windows PC over to the Mac, load Office 2011 for the Mac and open the Outlook files on the Mac. I have tried it, and it worked flawlessly the first time. (more…)
♬ Change your thinking, Change your mind, Back to the future…♬
Music and Lyrics by D. Ross, B. Wray, J. Wray; recorded by Diana Ross.
When one thinks of mentoring, one tends to think of the sage, wise counsel passing along his or her accumulated wisdom to the younger generation. While there is considerable need for this to occur, it is not the only mentoring that can take place in a law firm. Matt Starcevich, PHD, in an article: “What is Unique about Reverse Mentoring, Survey Results” in www.coachingandmentoring.com quoted Alan Webber, the co-founder of Fast Company in describing reverse mentoring (“RM”):
It’s a situation where the old fogies in an organization realize that by the time you’re in your forties and fifties, you’re not in touch with the future the same way as the young twenty-something’s. They come with fresh eyes, open minds, and instant links to the technology of our future.
Jack Welch, when he was Chairman of GE, ordered his top 600 managers to reach down into their ranks for Internet junkies and become their students.
A RM relationship can benefit both parties – the one doing the mentoring as well as the person being mentored. The younger associate gets face time with a senior partner. The senior partner gets the opportunity to gain new skills and see the world through younger eyes. In the survey, Starcevich asked “Why enter into RM?,” 41 per cent selected, “To gain technical expertise” and 25 per cent selected, “To gain a younger perspective.” This supports the notion of capitalizing on the technical knowledge base and younger perspective of the mentor. (more…)