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    February 6th, 2009

    ♫  They’re creepy and they’re kooky,
    Mysterious and spooky,
    They’re all together ooky,
    The Addams Family…

    Words and Music by Stan Adams (a.k.a. Vic Mizzy)

    I like cool applications – I especially like ones that are useful as well.  Accordingly I was pleased to come across Things Mac. This little application does one thing particularly well on the Mac – task management.

    Now perhaps task management  – looking after To-Do’s, errands, repeating appointments and matters that need to be done – may not *exactly* make your heart beat a bit faster.  But certainly missing any of these – particularly if they have to do with a limitation date, filing deadline or even something that you *need* to do but on which you keep procrastinating – will *certainly* do so.  For example, I am reminded of the best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once. But I digress…

    So one arrow in your task management arsenal is Things Mac.

    So you may say – quite rightly – that I *already* have Entourage for the Mac – which has to-dos and task management – why would I need Things?  Well, for one Things is written in a Mac format, where Entourage is well, foreign in feel and design.  For another, Things uses Tags (ok, Entourage uses Categories which is pretty much similar).  Things also syncs with iCal and the iPhone.  They both will do projects (albeit in different ways). Things just concentrates on Tasks where Entourage does mail, calendaring and task management.

    It may just be different strokes for different folks…but I like Things and how it works. As a practice management consultant, I am constantly on the prowl for ways for lawyers to look after deadlines that are easy to use and do the job well.  Things does that. Apparently others think so as well – Things received “Best of Show” at MacWorld 2009.

    So even if looking after deadlines and tasks is creepy and  kooky and all together ooky, it is good to know Things, just like Thing Aadams is right there, looking after you!

    This entry was posted on Friday, February 6th, 2009 at 12:23 am and is filed under I'm a Mac, Issues facing Law Firms, Technology, Trends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

    4 Responses to “A Good Thing…”
    1. Taryn Merrick Says:

      Thanks for this! I am a Mac Virtual Assistant, and found out about this post from The Mac Lawyer. I am constantly on the lookout for Mac friendly To Do Management Programs. I appreciate knowing about this too. Cheers!

    2. Howard Says:

      Does Things allow you to calendar things like discovery deadlines (i.e. can I input a trial date and create to-do’s by creating rules like “30 days before” the trial date)?

    3. Things, raak georganiseerd | Floris' krabbels Says:

      […] Mogelijkheid tot […]

    4. Getting things done, met Things « EnterMI Says:

      […] […]

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