♫ Making it work
Takes a little longer
Making it work
Takes a little time…♫
In this edition of the Make it Work! blog category (which I have to confess was sparked by Doug Bennett and the rest of the Slug’s crooning in “Making it Work!”) I thought we could explore the different practice management systems in use in law offices today.
I have been an avid fan of Amicus Attorney for many years (having been the author of the book Amicus Attorney in One Hour for Lawyers) . Indeed, I use the product constantly in my practice and simply could not imaging practising law without it or a product substantially similar to it. However, I also recognize that ‘one size does not fit all’ and that there are other excellent products out there…LawStream, PCLaw and ProLaw being the most referenced out my way. However, there are a host of newcomers on the block: Client Profiles, LegalFiles and TimeMatters which may have a larger presence elsewhere but which are just starting to have a foundation out our way.
I use practice management software to track time, appointments, deadlines, to-do’s, calls, messages and much much more. Indeed, it is the organizing factor for my practice. The paper “25 Benefits of Case Management” is on the Law Society of BC’s website where I have tried to list the benefits of moving to this type of legal software.
In this installment of “Making it Work!” I would like to hear from you and find out what you use, what you like about it and how it seems to make you more efficient, effective and on top of your deadlines and tasks.
While installing and adjusting to a practice management software may take a little longer and take a bit of time, once it is working the payoffs are well worth the effort!
This entry was posted on Monday, July 21st, 2008 at 10:34 pm and is filed under Law Firm Strategy, Make it Work!, Technology, Trends. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.One Response to “Make it Work! Practice Management”
January 4th, 2009 at 8:54 pm
I have a solo family law practice. One part-time support person and will take on a full time associate shortly. I use timeslips to track my time, quickbooks for IOLTA operating, and microsoft outlook to manage my schedule. I need to streamline things for sure.